
Case studies:

The problem

The organization needs to detect as quickly as possible if any malicious behavior has been attempted using its system network and having as few as possible false alarms.


We developed multiple solutions that are able to identify potential malicious behavior and reducing significantly the number of false alarms generated resulting in less manual work by the analysts.

The problem

The client is an Asian telecommunication company with more than 200 million clients. Due to the large amount of data generated by their networks and services, they need efficient customized solutions to screen automatically the data for various purposes.


In collaboration with ISGD we designed and developed solutions capable to screen large amount of data efficiently and sparing significant time of network bandwidth.

The problem

The client is an African telecommunication company with more than 2 million users. By law the company needs to review the network traffic data and produce reports about cyber security attacks, malware, failed connections etc. Producing these reports manually takes significant time of the SOC team.


We designed and developed an automated AI solution to detect malicious behaviours in traffic workflows integrating output from different hardwares and software solutions (switchers, servers, mail data software etc.). Developed a pipeline to automatically report alerts and incidents. Improved effciencies of the analysts’ team (SOC) work of 100%.

The problem

The client is an institution with both sensitive data and live AI solutions. For security reasons and by law the AI solutions (and data) need to have constant checks in place (to avoid corruption of the output and mitigate potential unwanted results).


We designed and developed an AI governance system (policies, procedures, tests, registers etc.) to ensure the specific AI solutions are not being corrupted by cyber attacks and, if any, the corruption is mitigated by triggering a pre-planned incident response procedure.

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